
The fictitious Hollywood movie started showing in theaters this weekend. One benefit that this movie brings is that it shows the entire world, the horrific drug fueled violence taking place in Mexico for the last eight years, as if over 100,000 dead and 30,000 people missing weren’t enough for the rest of the world open […]

Tony’s Shit –

So I decided to create a website that catalogs all of my books, music and video games. Additionally, I also opted to put in there any other interesting stuff that I own or collect. So lo and behold, was born.

Last Year In My 20s.

So it is the eve of my 29th birthday, and what has been a normal day, as I enjoy and will always enjoy being just like any other normal day. I’ve always utterly despised doing special activities on my birthday, ie cakes, gifts and all of that non-sense. Since in my point of view everyday […]

OpenBSD – Theo de Raadt

Interesting interview with OpenBSD founder Theo de Raddt. Theo opinions on mitigations, managing the OpenBSD project, it’s current challenges, and future. As well as full disclusure, breaking backwards compatibility, and 64-bit. Behind OpenBSD, Windows comes in second with operating system exploit mitigations enabled. FreeBSD doesn’t have any active auditing of their source tree. Everyone uses […]

Patent Trolls

I’m very glad to see John Oliver bring up our absurd legal patent system in his Television program. Anyone with a brain should be against the notion of software patents. Not only does it stop innovation, it literally hurts our economy as whole. To put it into perspective, recently Apple who themselves are one of […]

A Decade Later

(Original ad placed in a $2.99 paperback AutoTrader Magazine. June 2004) It was exactly ten years ago that I purchased my beloved 98 Toyota Tacoma pickup truck. Accident free (knock on wood), and having been stranded only two times these ten years due to a busted starter and alternator, respectively. I must say she has […]

Rare as unicorns, The Libre Initiative

It seems like conservative Latino organizations are rare as unicorns these days. Although if you really analyze it, they themselves are truly conservative, i.e.; religious/church going, strong family values, etc.. I watch plenty of Spanish speaking news media, and they practically all strive towards “helping” (sarcasm face here) the Latino community. Yet, it doesn’t surprise me […]