New Portfolio Site!

So I was laid off my job last month, this gave me a good reason to finally redo what was a fairly ugly looking portfolio site. This time around instead of creating the entire static site from scratch (after all CSS and JavaScript are not quite my forté) I opted to use a pre-existing open […]

Book Review – A Feast for Crows

A Feast for Crows has been my least favorite book in A Song of Ice and Fire thus far. I recall being almost 700 pages into this novel and I literally said to myself Nothing majored has happened to move the story forward... Even worse, their wasn’t much content regarding some of the main characters […]

Book Review – The World of El Cid

It seems the more I read chronicle like writings, the more I tend to enjoy them. The World of El Cid: Chronicles of the Spanish Reconquest is a book that consists of four different chronicles by different original authors that depict the deeds of the different Kings of Leon and Castile, and now legendary knight, […]