Bose iPod sound dock

After a year in my wish list, I finally got the Bose iPod sound dock. I finally get to kill all of my CD’s because with the Bose iPod sound dock I don’t have to use any audio compact disks from now on. The sound on this thing is absolutely amazing. The only down part […]

Playing .ogg files in iTunes

I found this kool plug-in that lets you play .ogg files in iTunes. The down part about .ogg in iTunes is that piece of shit iPod won’t sync the audio files unless you convert them to .acc but the quality will be totally crap.

Firefox getting slower and slower

It seems like firefox is getting slower and slower in all platforms. It crashes like hell in OS X and it is painful slow in Windows. In Linux is runs OK except when it freezes for every 2-3 minutes. I’m sorry to say but I’m getting closer to ditch firefox for a different browser.