Book Review – Leyendas de la Reconquista

Leyendas de la Reconquista is a collection of short stories regarding the most important myths and legends of the Reconquista. Starting from the legendary events of Covadonga, to the ones that took place in the final events in the conquest of Granada. The stories are presented from the perspective as they occurred, as such all the stories have that epic and fictional high fantasy element to them. All of which make the legends and stories to be more spectacular in my opinion. The stories are beautifully crafted, where anyone that is not familiar with the Reconquista, can easily understand the stories without delving to deep into the rich and complex history of the events surrounding it.

Thanks to this book, I learned about new obscure myths and legends from the Reconquista that I wasn’t aware of, even though I consider myself to be extremely knowledgeable on this subject! Perhaps the only glaring missing legend that wasn’t included on this book, was the legends about the famous knight Bernardo del Carpio.