R.I.P. Charles Bowden

There is not a more knowledgeable journalist and author about the US/Mexico border than Charles Bowden. His writings, along with Dr. Edgardo Buscaglia, helped me realized and opened my eyes regarding the farce drug war, and the circus around it. Bowden’s dark, yet poetic writing is a lot like watching a horror film. I literally […]

Rare as unicorns, The Libre Initiative

It seems like conservative Latino organizations are rare as unicorns these days. Although if you really analyze it, they themselves are truly conservative, i.e.; religious/church going, strong family values, etc.. I watch plenty of Spanish speaking news media, and they practically all strive towards “helping” (sarcasm face here) the Latino community. Yet, it doesn’t surprise me […]

The Vicious Cycle Continues

I was only 11 years old, and yet I perfectly remember the day when Amado Carrillo Fuentes “El Señor de los Cielos” died and the news being all over the Spanish speaking media. Now over 16 years later, with the capture of Joaquin “Chapo” Guzman, it news too is all over the media. Surely the […]

Our lovely war on drugs

As the state of New York is set to join other states allowing medical marijuana, in essence following the domino effect to what I hope one day will be full drug legalization (yes all drugs; cocaine, heroin, etc..). I stumbled into a really good short video in which describes the consequences of our failed drug […]

Uruguay, example everyone should follow

I’m very glad to see that this tiny South American country is in the  news for all the right reasons. Firstly, earlier this week Uruguay became  the first Latin American country to fully legalize the use and cultivation of cannabis. A policy that I hope more countries will follow. Secondly, starting with the football Club […]

The most bad ass Systems Administrator on the planet

A new leader will be elected, they’ll flip the switch. Say.. because of the crisis, because of the dangers we face in the world. Some new and unpredicted threat. We need more authority, we need more power, and they will be nothing the people can do at that point to oppose it, and it will […]