Book Review – Stop Wasting Time

Stop Wasting Time

Stop Wasting Time: End Procrastination in 5 Weeks with Proven Productivity Techniques is the type of book that I should’ve years ago. While indeed I read the book The War of Art by Steven Pressfield (book review pending), this book takes a more practical approach rather than a motivational one. Not to say that I wasn’t motivated from this book, far from it. Instead this book is well structured into a five week program with useful techniques to get over the incredibly tough hurdle of procrastination.

This book starts by identifying what causes procrastination, and what type of procrastinator are you, and the different reasons why we procrastinate. I think we’ve all heard the phrase “I don’t have enough time to do this..”, practically as an excuse to not do such thing. Well, theirs a reason for such behavior and this book outlines the causes, and its solutions.

To get the most of of this book, you’ll have to follow along the exercises covered in it. The requirements are simple, just a notebook and the willingness to have a drastic lifestyle change. In my case since I’m a digital junkie, I used a slightly different approach to follow along, ie using a private Doku Wiki site and GitLab’s Project management features (awesome free tool that makes it really easy to create Kaban-style boards!)

At just under 200 pages, this book is one where you can easily re-read again, to keep your mind refreshed and in tracked. It’s not the silver bullet to end procrastination, but definitely a good resource to break that terrible habit!