It’s been well over a month since I purchased a black 16 GB Wifi only iPad2, as a Chistmas gift to myself, and I have to say I really love the tablet. My epic purchased was made at Micro Center, which for some reason they have all the iPad models $50 cheaper than its original price, also on the plus side, I didn’t have to deal with the total bull shit of what is the Apple Store. Thus said, my absolute favorite feature is iBooks. In my opinion the iPad is a really great eReader. With the recent iBook update, that gives me the capability of highlight and add notes to pages, the iPad2/eReader feature is going to replace future hardcover books that I’ll be reading. Compare to other similar eReaders, I would definetly recommend an iPad over an Amazon Kindle Fire. In terms of the facetime front camera and back camera, I hardly even bother using them. It also doesn’t help that the quality of the cameras is of really poor quality.
In terms of the iPad specific apps, I really love Linux Journal iPad app, it’s a much better experience reading Linux Journal on my iPad than in the past reading the paper copy (back when Linux Journal was still on dead-tree format). My second favorite app has to be Dish Network’s Sling iPad app. As a Dish Network customer and Slingbox owner, I love the fact that I can take my iPad anywhere, and with the help of a wifi connection, watch live TV from with my tablet (I won’t be missing any important Arsenal games!). The only down side of the iPad2 is it’s hefty price and the fact that I’m tied down to iTunes in order to update or add content (Music/Videos) to the tablet.